Advertising & image photography for Stöckli Dörrex.


“Over the years, the target group has changed 180°. Today it is no longer primarily the 60 year old hobby fruit grower, but young mothers who want to make healthy snacks for themselves and their children. But also new is the health-conscious young man who wants to fight food waste and enjoys culinary evenings with friends .”

Marcel Tarantini, Project Manager Marketing, A&J Stöckli AG

To support this marketing strategy, we created high-quality and emotional image and video material in collaboration with Mirko Bocek in a combined photo & video shoot. This material is to be used for marketing activities in the own webshop as well as for handesl partners.

Special emphasis was also placed on the various dishes, which should also serve as inspiration for the end customer through the visual material.

For the production we were allowed to use a show kitchen in the showroom of Ambach in Kaltern. There we have spread out 2 full and rigorous days. A brief glimpse behind the scenes of this work we have of course recorded for you again.