Hotel and commercial photography for Hotel Alpin Garden in Ortisei

Well prepared, all batteries charged and a long list of target photos, we start every time excitedly into a new shooting day. There is no recipe, no manual for a successful shooting. To be well prepared and to be up to every task by improvisation is our secret.

The eye for the essential, for the special moment and for unique and exciting views can only be obtained through a lot of experience and regular training.

With a trained eye on the light and the light setting, with our mobile battery flash units, we generate the ideal mood to awaken the feeling for the moment, for the situation in the viewer.

Each scene, each image must fit the other. The predefined visual language, which includes mood, look and lighting, must be retained for the customer. This cannot be achieved at the end on the computer. The look must be considered in all facets already during the shooting.

At the end of a shoot, the resulting photos are finalized on the computer in post-production. This requires well-rested eyes and a sharp look, so that no detail, no matter how small, is overlooked.